For the 3rd or so time in my adult life, I voted Tuesday. I'm glad I did. If there was ever a year to vote this is definitely among the most crucial. If there was ever a party (and a president) that needed put in their (his) place this is the one. So I couldn't be happier that the GOP lost the House AND the Senate. It's not that I just think the Dem's are a better party (I thought Reagan did an admirable job as chief), it's just that our country is in dire straits and in need of wholesale change. That silly war (that we should have never been in to begin with) along with an idiotic House, Senate, and Commander has managed to nearly bankrupt our country, selling our children's future down the road along with it. It would probably be a good idea to start brushing up on your Mandarin Chinese so you are ahead of the game when China takes us over as a State when they come to collect on our astronomical debt to them. I keep forgetting, do they have one of those artsy languages that have pictures instead of words? A million jillion trillion wars in the Middle East are never going to change a thing in that region...they don't WANT to be a democracy! Too many flavors of the same religion (at least that religion) is a recipe for a Millennia of disaster...just look at the track record. Oh well...enough raving, hope you all have a wonderful day even with our sad state as a country...I am going to try to. Funny with all the Senate seats that changed parties, Tennessee still elected a Republican to the Senate (in a close race)...of course the Dem was a "man of color", and this still is the backards South. Now if Hillary will win in 08, maybe we have a (very) outside chance of balancing the budget. Women are better with the checkbook (unless mall shopping). I'll stop now so you can rest your eyes. Sorry for the rant...I woke up too early.
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