A shot of Brandi before I go
Only a couple more days of what bears some semblance to work before the big break, and at my place of work it is a "big" break (entire week of Christmas thru Jan.2). I will be heading up I-75 to put my two beautiful daughters in tow, and then we are heading down to Charleston, SC for a post-Christmas vacation of sorts. I have never been to Charleston, but after reading a bit about it on da net, I think there will be plenty of entertainment for us to enjoy.
As is common knowledge, Charleston is an extremely old city...one of the first to be settled in this "new" world. So there is a lot of history there to be explored, and I can roll with that. My older daughter is at a point in her school where they are studying the settling, warring, and eventual independence of our great country, so it will be educational for her as well. With the city's age, there are extremely old graveyards, dungeons, and other scary structures, said to be as haunted as young Drew Barrymore's TV set. I'm not sure if both beautiful ladies will be down for the haunted tours, but we shall see. The oldest is more tom-boyee, and she will be game, the youngest is the exact opposite...100% girly girl...pink purse loving, shoe collectin', dress wearing, baby doll tea party playin', primpy, lacy, frilly GIRL. She is SO affectionate too. Back to the point though, I'm not sure she will be down for any of the haunted, spooky, tours available, but she is full of surprises like when she (and not her big sister) wanted to and did force me to ride a camel with her at the Columbus Zoo in Ohio...so perhaps she will opt for dark side adventure...
...speaking of dark, today is the Winters Solstice, traditionally a pagan partying day of wild debauchery celebrating the darkest day of the year...mmmmm, fun. Incidentally, Christmas was probably "in some sly manner" slated to be in late Dec. as a sort of way to appease the pagan need to party around this time, while also easing the heathens in to a Christian way of life. The Art of Compromise.
On a totally different topic, but one juicier than a medium rare filet mignon with a fresh squeezed lemonade chaser, WOW...is all I can say about the story of Brandi Hawbaker, Capt. Tom (and his penis), lost, stolen, donked off, handed over poker bankrolls, and all manner of craziness that truly supports the statement..."The truth is stranger than fiction"...There are links to the topic on numerous poker blogs so I'll not bore you with those. The vast majority of the story is posted in discussion on the 2+2 poker site...unREAL.
Wonderful Holidays to all...I'm gone (likely til' the new year), when I hope to return basking in history and days spent with the two girls who will always be the love of my life...perhaps there will be story or two to come...Maybe we'll storm Fort Sumter...