baked goods 2 for 1 and free crack

Commentary on whatever I like, sometimes useful, sometimes not so...

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Last night I settled in on the couch to watch a couple hours of Hold em' on the Travel Channel. The PPT to be exact, which btw is laced with talent, strictly the best of the best. They always have a "featured" table which recieves the lion's share of the coverage, but occasionally bounce around the room for big all-ins and such. One of those (sort of) memorable bounces showed Bill Gazes getting knocked out on the sickest beat I've seen in a while as his almost certain winner collapsed to a runner-runner straight on the turn/river.

Another very notable hand, and a first for me, as I have never witnessed this from any, TV, or otherwise was James Woods mucking the best hand WITHOUT showing it down thereby giving up a pot he desperately needed as he was the severe short-stack at the table. He had paired a four on a board of rags, with two other players going to the end as well, and with not a whole lot of posturing or betting. Well the first player shows a pair of deuces, and a second player pipes up that "I've got that beat", which he did with a pair of treys, so Woods just mucks...ASSUMING his fours are beat as well...WITHOUT even showing them down. UnREAL!!! I guess that's why he is the actor turned wannabe poker pro and not the poker shark we all try to be.

Also...while the PPT was on, my local PBS station was showing a James Taylor tribute concert where various (and very good) artists would go on and do their rendition of a JT song. Now he has over a hundred songs to his credit, and granted it was "mostly" his hit songs that were being played, but...during a PPT commercial break I hit the "last-channel" button on the remote to return to the concert and who should appear, but two of my very favorite musicians in the whole wide world, aka Alison Krauss (what an angelic voice + she plays an extraordinary fiddle to boot) and Jerry Douglas (simply the world's best dobro player...hands down). So before they even played the first note, I announced to the room that they were going to play the song "Goin' to Carolina"...and...I was right, scary right, like Nostradamus prophecy right. At least it seemed prophetic at the time, and they did a damn fine job of beautiful.

After the PPT was over, I slept. All for now...more later.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

not much...

Not much to say today...kind of bummed that the brakes on my car went South, and I had to pony up for replacements. The mechanic said I should be good for long time as they used and I authorized the best brake pads known to man. Although, with any good fortune, that car will be a part of my history before the next brake job. I really did not need the added expense at this time of year, but I guess it's a Murphy's law thing. So fuck what I am pretty much saying...I mean it's nice to go places and get back and forth from work, but what a total drain on money they are. If I am not at the gas station filling up with completely over-priced petrol then I am waiting patiently for an oil change where the nice attendant informs me that I really could use a new air filter ($26), new windshield wipers ($17), and they are running a special on a coolant system flush ($99). Since I am too nice a guy to say "fuck off pal", I just politely decline. He obviously doesn't realize the kind of clothes that can buy for my #2 daughters' Bratz dolls...the twit.

Is it just me or does the Blogger spell check feature completely blow???

I think my UK Wildcats have a scrap tonight with some marginal foe so I can't wait to bolt from work and check that out. Go CATS!!!

My #1 daughter had to get 5 stiches yesterday as a little boy in her class cut her with...get this...a row of staples. I resisted the urge to pop a cap in his ass, and let him wallow in guilt and detention. In all seriousness I heard he felt so bad he broke down bawling and was somewhat inconsolable, so even though I DO NOT take lightly to harm done to my little angel, I do kinda feel for the little staple warrior. after my ex called and I spoke to daughter #1 I felt much better...apparently it is not going to effect her ability to play her X-BOX, so she isn't really fazed by it. Today happens to be her birthday and I hope it is filled with gifts, love, laughter, and happiness. She is 11 BTW. That is all for now, more later...

Monday, November 27, 2006

Monday's suck

Monday's really do suck, but they suck even more after a long holiday weekend. I know you say quit your bitchin' least I had Friday off as well, but bitch I must. Sleeping late and laying in a nice toasty bed in the chill of winter is truly one of life's great pleasure. Other than the birth of my children, my health, and flopping the nuts there is very little that feels better.

It's really too bad about Britney and K-Fed. I really thought their's was an enduring love that would withstand the rigors of the public pressure (dripping with sarcasm). Seriously though I sometimes wonder why celebrities bother to get married at all. It seems like such a futile endeavor, and usually leaves one or more children without the benefit of both parents. Of course Hollywood/celebrity children are reared by nannies anyway, the fact still remains. It seems like both parties somehow think the grass is always greener (granted in Brad Pitt's case, Angelina Jolie's grass is much greener than what's her name, at least imho), and so they fall in to bed with someone else, which leads to the other cheating, which leads to divorce...on and on. It seems they would all be better off just "dating" (sleeping with one another), and perhaps there would be a few less fucked up kids brought in to the world. Nannies may be capable and all, but there is NO substitute for good ole' mom and dad! nuff said...

The weekend......was good (+EV)...

- The Bengals won 30-0, even if it was just the lowly Browns

- The Steelers lost (even though against the Ravens I would have preferred they win)...what's happened to the Steelers anyway, from Superbowl winners to being on the outside looking in at the playoffs. Their personnel hasn't changed that much, but the result???...very strange. I really feel bad for Mean Gene...well not really, I mean they won the Superbowl last year!

- I played some profitable (albeit a small profit) session of on-line Omaha

- I relaxed and read...always a favorite thing to do

- I got a haircut...and man did I need one

- I didn't watch any political/war coverage so therefore had minimal rage as those subjects always light a match

I'm sure I did more, but mainly stuff too mundane to if what I did list isn't mundane. I digress. Hope everyone has a wonderful day even though Monday's SUCK!!!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

I have to go to Wal-Mart and pick up some milk, a bobbin for my sewing machine, get a pedicure, oil change, and maybe buy a fish to keep me company..

Just a post with no real central thought, but instead some random drivel. Hope everyone had a safe and Happy Thanksgiving, I did...

I got up this morning surprised at how warm it was, so I went to the wall thermostat and clicked it off (and down a couple of notches for good measure). A little later, after a quick meal and a shower, I stepped outside to go and run some errands. Instead of the usual cold, biting and stinging, making my hands numb, and making me wish I'd have worn something I had not...It was WARM. So warm in fact I turned right around and went back inside the house to leave my jacket behind. I even thought about changing shirts to one a bit cooler. Hard to believe it's November. I know I live in Tennessee and it's not the coldest state in the States, but even here it's never this warm. I guess it's just another thing to be thankful for (like pocket Aces when you get lots of pre-flop action) to keep in the spirit of this holiday.

After the warm start of the day...I proceeded to do one of the most necessary and dreaded things I do each week...go to Wal-Mart. I truly did like shopping better pre-Wal-Mart when you had grocery stores, department stores, shoe stores, specialty stores, and on and on. I know it's not as convenient, but there is something about the atmosphere and feel to those places that provided a strange appeal for me. Unfortunately my deeply non-conformist self has had little chance but to give in and be assimilated into the devoutly devoted masses that worship (shop at least) at the Temple of Wal-Mart. If there isn't a Wal-Mart within 20 minutes of another Wal-Mart there soon will be. I think that stat is in the rules guide for determining where to buy the land and build the next one. With what Wal-Mart brings to the given community ($$$) comes more power than Carlos Casteneda hopped up on fresh peyote buttons and his animal guide/spirit to boot. Aside: I know it takes discipline (lots) and I have never really tried...the only animal spirit I have contacted on peyote is the neighbors cat who came over to snuggle with me while I lay on the front lawn pretending the Zodiac star alignments were melting and dripping star stuff on the earth that would lead to a breakthrough in mineral research, and allow the world to produce energy with minimal effort and cost. If only peyote trips were true. Looks like I forgot where I was or where I was going with this, which I did, but it doesn't matter as I wasn't planning a direction. I guess my point is that we have forsaken neighbor to neighbor business interaction (albeit with a little effort) in exchange for the corporate low cost cost ease of getting everything all at once, without trips to multiple establishments. Shopping for vitamins...Wal-Mart, shopping for spark for the latest DVD...Wal-Mart, as well for butter...Wal-mart, H2o Wal-Mart, underwear (boxers or briefs...I am mainly a boxers man, although I used to be briefs until I found the comfort of boxers...TMI, I know), etc..., rinse, lather, repeat! I really didn't plan to go on ranting about the unfortunate reality of omni-stocked, be-all, end-all stores, but I guess I lost control. Don't worry, my psychotherapist will analyze it for the both of us, and after I find it this rant was linked to the time I broke a shoelace in the second grade on the playground at recess and had to get my dad to bring me a replacement, then surely I can begin to gently push this traumatic episode out, and go on functioning like a normal, fucked-up person that I am. I do not mean to poke fun at the problems that force someone in to psychotherapy, so please forgive if you are offended. Enough about al that...BTW...I got all my stuff uneventfully (groceries and what were previously department/specialty stores) and returned home safely.


- Talk about upsets, USF (University of Southern Florida, even though this makes little sense since they are in Tampa,, which is NOT southern, but more central...I digress) pulled out a win over a very talented West Virginia team...maybe WVU were looking past this game or just bummed about their first loss, this is a game they should have taken down. For those who had money wagered on USF, congrats. You should be eating well tonight.

- In Gatlinburg, TN. ( a "touristy", romantic getaway in the Smokie mountains, about an hour or so from my living quarters), a big family was enjoying a reunion of sorts and decided they would snap a picture for remembrance. They proceeded to organize on the steps of their 2nd story cabin and before the picture could be snapped even...the stairs collapsed sending 11 of them to the hospital, 5 fairly seriously, and all of them with scrapes, bumps and bruises.

- I have lots of shopping to do as I am not an organized, plan-ahead, or motivated Christmas shopper. Thankfully the only really important items I need (am bound by a endless heart felt love) to get are thos for my 2 daughters. At least that make out a very long and extensive list of what they want, exactly, and provide it to me as a road map. The shopping will get done, even if I take the short road, and order the majority of the items off the Internet.

- people are paying more for treats for their pets than it costs for a prime rib, drinks, and 2 appetizers at . Unreal!!!

- Dick Cheney is a crook, and his daughter is a lesbian (not that ther's anything wrong with that). I used to date a recovering lesbian, and I liked her very much!!! Still do to this day, though she is married and just had a baby now. Congrats HLN!

I guess that is enough for now, as they say down here in the South (although I don't, as I'm not from here...I still love it though) Take it easy y'all, don't be a stranger.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy T-day, and three worthy clicks

bored, here's something to

this is disgusting

this is kinda cool and worth the 3.5 or 4 minutes to watch...enjoy

very cool way to impress friends and score with the ladies (well the really geeky, smart, librarian types anyway)

have a wonderful, drink, and watch football (and maybe play some poker online...while you still can)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


In the spirit of the coming holiday it is a great feeling, and perhaps the best of feelings just to have so much to be thankful for. Even though it is a tired, over used, and regurgitated sentiment, it is also very true...many others in both our own country and in different parts of the world sadly have so little, but quite amazingly they endure and carry on, seemingly thankful for the meagerness life has given them. So I am very thankful for...

...having two beautiful, healthy, smart, and loving daughters.

...having a good job that I like; it sucks having to go to work someplace that you hate, and I have had those jobs before. Life is much better when you enjoy your work, and maybe more importantly the people you work with. Which I enjoy both.

...having a warm place to lay my head at night.

...not having to want for life's necessities. I mean we all want more, more, more, and money does bring the ability to improve the quality of life, but just having the basic needs plus enough extra to smile is fine with me. in the best country in the world; and while I may not always (or hardly ever) agree with our government or the policies they follow (or wars they decide to fight), at least I can participate in that process by voting, speaking out, protesting, and excercising my civic rights. Nuff said. friends and family.

There are undoubtedly many more people, places, and things I could add, and I am very thankful for all those as well. This does however, properly convey my feelings. May everyone have a gracious and wonderful Thanksgiving.

more later.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sports Book

Ok well not a real sports book (as in betting), but just a bit about sports and a bit about a book, close enough for me...

A couple of weeks ago I went out and got another handful of books to entertain myself for a while. I was kind of happy with the selections especially since one of my very favorite authors had a book out that I hadn't read yet. I knew it was out there, but it is different...he writes extremely rompy novels using a delicious vocabulary of words, so I really enjoy his tales. This book however, was "non-fiction", which coming from him I didn't really know if I would like it. Well now that I have managed to work my way well in to over the weekend, it was well worth it. I still like his fiction better, but I have enjoyed this in ways quite different from his fiction. At the same time though his biting wit and quick with a word mind is still very evident. The book is filled with typical non-fiction that writers are often asked to write or sometimes just write for the hell of it. It includes poems, essays, book reviews, travel reviews, music reviews, and more. The author by the way is Tom Robbins.

Robbins has a very eclectic style, unique, sharp, smart, and at times obscene. I really enjoy his works though I know they are not for everyone. His arguably most famous (which was made in to a movie with Drew Barrymore) is called "Even Cowgirls get the Blues". Others would argue though that "Still life with Woodpecker" is the most notable. I agree with neither opinion and instead like "Jitterbug Perfume" the best. They are all great story's imho, and for a lot of people I would highly recommend them all. Just for kicks, here is an excerpt from his non-fiction book that I am currently tearing through. The following is taken from a travel review (done for Esquire Magazine, 1985) from the Selous game reserve located in central Tanzania, Africa:

"The Selous is the largest uninhabited game reserve in the world. Located in central Tanzania, a couple hundred miles south of Mount Killimanjaro, the Selous is no national park where tourists sprawl on rattan sofas, sipping gin and listening to the BBC as from the air-conditioned safety of posh lodges they spy shamelessly on mating lions. In the Selous, one doesn't catch a safari bus to the corner of Zebra and Watusi. To see the Selous, one hikes and one paddles. And when an aggravated hippopotamus is charging one's rubber raft, one paddles very hard, indeed."

Excerpted from "Wild Ducks Flying Backwards" by Tom Robbins

As can be gleaned from that sample, he is very playful and funny as he usually is in fiction as well. The title of the travel article is "The Day the Earth Spit Warthogs", and it was quite a good read. Sometimes it is good to challenge what you may or may not believe you'll like, and just dive right in and start paddling.

Now about sports...The Buckeyes and Wolverines did not disappoint in a 42 to 39 win by was what I wanted anyway, a good game. The NFL was good as well, at least to Bengals fans such as myself. The Bengals took a small step towards resurrection what had seemed to be a promising season that has lately been anything but. They took the Saints down today by a pretty good margin. It was by no means as impressive as the score though. The Bengals defense gave up over 600 total yards, while Drew Brees threw for 550 of those yardspicking apart the Bengals D. Lucky for Cincy fans though, Brees also managed to throw 3 picks at very inopportune times. A win is a win though, and I'll take it.

I watched some poker just a bit ago on FSN, and was happy to see Phil Ivey playing at the table as I am a big fan of his game. Once it got down to 3-handed between Allen Cunningham, Phil Ivey, and Robert (the Grinders brother) Mizrachi, I knew we were in for some good poker. Very shortly in to 3 way Ivey got pocket Ks in the hole while Cunningham (who was the chip leader at the moment) got pocket Js...needless to say all of the money got in the middle and Cunningham sucked out with a two outer Jack on the River. Ivey took it like a pro gambler though, saying in his parting interview, that hands like those never bother him. That's what makes him the pro. I realize when you have his money it's easier to shrug off the sick beats. I would have been pretty steamed regardless though...that hand was the ticket to the massive chip lead, and on to the promised land. Oh gave good TV.

more some other time...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

1 vs. 2

Today's the day for most College Football fans to see which team will emerge undefeated...Will it be Ohio State or Michigan? While I did attend college in Columbus, Oh. (not at OSU though), I am by no means a great big Buckeye fan. I had a lot of wonderful times in that city though, and so I probably will lean slighty their way in todays BIG game. What I really want to see though is just a good ole' fashioned, hard hitting, dog fighting, white knuckler of a football game. These two teams usually deliver on that point. I can't think of a rivalry I enjoy watching more in College Football. So line up 1 vs. 2, and let's see who's left standing...

I am actually a bigger College Basketball fan than football, and that simply stems from the fact that I was raised in Kentucky, just a hundred or so miles from Lexington. Nothing in my eyes (although some might argue horse racing) is bigger in that state than the Big Blue of UK. I love College Basketball season and rarely miss a minute of a UK game. Even though they have not fielded a team lately that is worthy of the passion, loyalty, and love that die hard Big Blue fans show for our team, every year the hope rises again. In a program that is truly steeped in Basketball history and tradition, with National Championships, shocking upsets, and heart wrenching losses...I just love this time of year. Go Cats!!!

Let the games begin...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

darling daughter #2

I should say that both of my daughters are so unique, beautiful, and incredibly smart. Of course I know everyone believes their children are's only natural. My youngest though has always had a knack for picking up on words to add to her vocabulary and in using them in the proper context. At a very young age she amazed me by asking me if I was being facetious, and there have been many similar moments where I was awed and left wondering where she picked up on words that seemed beyond her age. This weekend my ex send me an email saying that darling daughter #2 was with her in the car running errands or whatever and asked about another vehicle she ex said that it was a Mitsubishi Montero...too which the little darling replied "why is it named after a dead frog?" My ex was obviously confused by this, and after querying her it was brought to light that my darling daughter #2 thought the ex had said it was a "missing specie"...not Mitsubishi...thus named after an extinct animal...although I'm still not sure where the frog comes in, it was quite precious all the same. Just one of the many reasons why children are the best of all in life!

Other stuff...pretty uneventful weekend...had to replace my computer at home as the old one finally gave always sucks trying to re-customize all the settings, programs, the way I like, but that's life...what can you do.

I did manage to get out and watch some sports and dine upon some succulent savory pan fried trout...mmm...the sports though were not so good. My poor Bengals managed to give up 6 touchdowns in the 2nd half to blow a 21 point lead and lose to the Chargers...very not cool!!!

Other than that I just read some more...I finished off Annie Duke's book about her life as a poker was an entertaining read. I also flipped through the ultimate poker bible (Doyle Brunson's Super System) which I really love for the fact you can just open it and start reading anywhere and be dazzled with the profound insights of one of the all time greats. I've been thinking about reading Stu Ungar's bio too...what a sad life for such an obviously gifted person. Speaking of poker knowledge though, I think a great point (from Super System and elsewhere) is the argument of if it's better to be dealt A-K rather than pocket A's or pocket K's and the story goes that Big Slick (A-K) is potentially the better hand in the long run because you can clean up a huge pot with it if you flop Broadway nuts, two pair, a flush if suited, TPTK, etc...BUT you can also get away from it easier if the flop doesn't hit you in any favorable way while pocket A's or K's will scoop some nice pots, they are both much easier to lose a big portion of your stack with because it's easy to get married to them. Just one of the many quandries that makes poker such a cerebral game. Or at least fun...that's all for now...more some other go read some really good poker blogs like...
Mean Gene
Pot Committed

or any number of blogs on their rolls...happy reading.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


For the 3rd or so time in my adult life, I voted Tuesday. I'm glad I did. If there was ever a year to vote this is definitely among the most crucial. If there was ever a party (and a president) that needed put in their (his) place this is the one. So I couldn't be happier that the GOP lost the House AND the Senate. It's not that I just think the Dem's are a better party (I thought Reagan did an admirable job as chief), it's just that our country is in dire straits and in need of wholesale change. That silly war (that we should have never been in to begin with) along with an idiotic House, Senate, and Commander has managed to nearly bankrupt our country, selling our children's future down the road along with it. It would probably be a good idea to start brushing up on your Mandarin Chinese so you are ahead of the game when China takes us over as a State when they come to collect on our astronomical debt to them. I keep forgetting, do they have one of those artsy languages that have pictures instead of words? A million jillion trillion wars in the Middle East are never going to change a thing in that region...they don't WANT to be a democracy! Too many flavors of the same religion (at least that religion) is a recipe for a Millennia of disaster...just look at the track record. Oh well...enough raving, hope you all have a wonderful day even with our sad state as a country...I am going to try to. Funny with all the Senate seats that changed parties, Tennessee still elected a Republican to the Senate (in a close race)...of course the Dem was a "man of color", and this still is the backards South. Now if Hillary will win in 08, maybe we have a (very) outside chance of balancing the budget. Women are better with the checkbook (unless mall shopping). I'll stop now so you can rest your eyes. Sorry for the rant...I woke up too early.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Thank God that's over

Finally TV and radio is safe more:

cue heart warming music...

I'm Bob Betterby and I'm running for Senate, my opponent Chris Corrupted once laughed at a handicapped person trying to enter a building with no handicap entrance. Not only that but he also is personally responsible for every thing that is wrong now, or ever has been wrong with your life. On the other hand, I'm not. I'm nearly perfect when it comes to things that are wrong with your life. blah, blah blah...

man am I glad that's least until 08.

I was really fairly pleased with they way the results went, and I think a clear message was sent to the GOP that their leadership is definitely in doubt. I really can't think of much (if anything) the Bush Administration has done that I liked although I'm sure there must be something, it sure as hell ain't much. Running our deficit up like a druken sailor on an expense account (that you and I are paying) is just insane.

I guess I should start learning to speak Mandarin for the inevitable Chinese takeover when they ask us to pony up the money we owe them. At least they have a very healthy lifestyle, so maybe working for peanuts, eating rice, and drinking green tea has an upside. (I actually enjoy green tea, at least the American version of it). We do though need some fiscal responsibility in a bad way...definitely time for a change. I'm glad it's started. All for now...more some other time.

Monday, November 06, 2006

mixed bag

The weekend has come and gone too quickly once again, but back to work it is.

Speaking of the weekend:

- Saturday I went running around more or less aimlessly, but ultimately with the intent to hit one or more bookstores and procure some reading material. I am constantly reading at least one book, and you should to...keeps the mind active. I read all sorts of fiction or nonfiction, just anything that appeals to my vast collection of interests. Tom Robbins is a great author who painstakingly agonizes over each and every word he writes to make sure that what he is expressing is done so in a most interesting and eclectic way. For one I got his latest book, which is nonfiction and includes all of the various articles, essays, poems, reviews, and other short works that he has done over the years. I'm really looking forward to that. It's titled "Wild Ducks Flying Backwards." He and John Irving are way up among my favorite authors. What fun each is in his own unique way. I enjoy lots of other authors as well. Another book I got and almost finished over the rest of Saturday and Sunday was the book that Annie Duke released about her life and poker career. It has been a wonderful read with as many autobiographical details as there is poker content. I love to see how a professional poker player makes it in life. God knows I'd like to be one, but that is a chance that I just can't take with two children to support, so I will just settle for playing on the Internet. That though is soon to be forbidden by law thanks to the asshole politicians on Capitol Hill. What a bunch of hypocritical crooks...all the lobbyist and PAC money they take (and pocket) for whoring their influence on any given issue. It was passed by including it in a bill that was drawn up to help secure our seaports (a no-brainer after that Dubai fiasco). I seriously wonder about our future with this kind of governing body.

- I will be thrilled when the elections finally come and go tomorrow.

- I will be even more thrilled if the Democrats take over control of the House (a good chance) and the Senate (long shot). I'd love to see a firm plan put in immediately to begin drawing our troops out of Iraq and letting the Iraqis take control of that utter mess we sadly helped create. I've thought all along this war was not one we should be in. This is a subject for a whole post in and of itself, more on this sometime in the future.

- The Bengals (my favorite football team since childhood) lost again and continues to spiral downward after such a promising start. Bummer.

- I played some very positive poker over the weekend, mostly Hold em' with a bit of Omaha thrown in for variety.

That's enough for now.

Friday, November 03, 2006

The cost of children

My oldest of two children recently had to get braces to straighten her smile and, in the big picture, help her future teeth be able to sprout without trouble. It is hard to fathom how these tiny pieces of metal (although you can now get them in ceramic or even plastic) can cost so damn much. I know you always hear that orthodontist fees are through the roof, but you really feel it when they are digging in your pants to get your wallet and their money. I admit that they are probably a royal bitch to install, and for that I would expect to pay dearly for the labor involved, but the cost goes beyond reason. Braces have changed dramatically since I was a can now get them in almost any color sort of like another fashion accessory, but I'm sure my daughter would beg to differ. I was lucky enough not to have to wear them (God given straight teeth), so I guess having both of my children need them is just good ole' variance catching up to me. I just can't see how these tiny pieces of metal, ceramic, or plastic can be worth that much. I suspect that the fee is more for the end result than the product and that is wrong. Although braces are virtually guaranteed to produce the intended result, unlike say an excercise device, which only produces outcomes that are in proportion to the amount of work and dedication surrendered to them. So I guess ultimately it is the price of vanity which drives these ridiculous fees, and everyone wants their child to be beautiful...I do anyway, except for the part about boys wanting to date, which I will have to come to grips with in due time. The price of beauty is high indeed, and that really kills the warm, huggy-feely, fuzzy sayin of it's whats on the inside that counts. It is obviously what on the outside that costs.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Now that that's over

Now the formal or non-formal introductions are out of the way...time to ramble...

I have a love/hate relationship with this time of year (especially during an election year, like this year). On one hand, Halloween comes and goes and signals cold weather, snow, the beginning of hockey season, and the coming holidays. That part I love. The part(s) I hate are scrapping windshields, slick roads, poor driving, longer commutes, and on election years, the ads and elections. The ads drive me nuts as they are repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated and well you get it, but the content is even worse. Each canidate digging up dirt and smearing or trying to smear their opponent with some of the most outlandish claims they can legally get by with. If you are going to run for office prepare to have all of your past exposed...So if you stole a pack of gum when you were a kid, or dropped acid while hitting the bong in college, or made some minor modifications in your favor on your taxes as an adult, prepare to answer for them.

Once upon a time (although I don't remember it), before my time, politicians debated the issues. Actual issues that really mattered to the voters and not whether they slept with a 17 year old when they were a freshman in college because she claimed to be 20, or any other meaningless drivel. They debated tax cuts, spending, and all manner of relevant legislation. Things that the average voter will feel after the election. Oh how I wish we could get back to those days...we are no longer governed "by the people", "for the people" as our forefathers set forth, but are now lead by lifetime politicians on the dole of every Pac and lobbyist that sends them money. I fear now that only an outright revolt can change this course, and frankly don't see this generation with the balls to act. Everyone has stood back and watched as more of our civil liberties were stripped from us than at any other time in our history. All in the name of fighting terrorism, which to me is just a big excuse to take power from the people and add power to the government. Hopefully some future generation will realize that we the people have been raped and violated (with no foreplay), and will stand up and fight to regain our true freedoms. For now though I guess I will just wait on November 7th, cast my votes, and be glad the election ads are finally over with.

more later...


Blogging is not new to me, I have maintained one or more in the past, but they all died mainly due to lack of updates from me. I am now attempting once more to post my thoughts/commentary mostly for my own sake (it feels good get it all out), but if someone else stumbles upon this and cares to read thats cool too.

I enjoy (and will likely post about): sports, computers, parenting, world events/issues, playing, watching and reading about poker,music,movies, eating, breathing, and probably more. Hope you and I enjoy...