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Commentary on whatever I like, sometimes useful, sometimes not so...

Monday, November 27, 2006

Monday's suck

Monday's really do suck, but they suck even more after a long holiday weekend. I know you say quit your bitchin' least I had Friday off as well, but bitch I must. Sleeping late and laying in a nice toasty bed in the chill of winter is truly one of life's great pleasure. Other than the birth of my children, my health, and flopping the nuts there is very little that feels better.

It's really too bad about Britney and K-Fed. I really thought their's was an enduring love that would withstand the rigors of the public pressure (dripping with sarcasm). Seriously though I sometimes wonder why celebrities bother to get married at all. It seems like such a futile endeavor, and usually leaves one or more children without the benefit of both parents. Of course Hollywood/celebrity children are reared by nannies anyway, the fact still remains. It seems like both parties somehow think the grass is always greener (granted in Brad Pitt's case, Angelina Jolie's grass is much greener than what's her name, at least imho), and so they fall in to bed with someone else, which leads to the other cheating, which leads to divorce...on and on. It seems they would all be better off just "dating" (sleeping with one another), and perhaps there would be a few less fucked up kids brought in to the world. Nannies may be capable and all, but there is NO substitute for good ole' mom and dad! nuff said...

The weekend......was good (+EV)...

- The Bengals won 30-0, even if it was just the lowly Browns

- The Steelers lost (even though against the Ravens I would have preferred they win)...what's happened to the Steelers anyway, from Superbowl winners to being on the outside looking in at the playoffs. Their personnel hasn't changed that much, but the result???...very strange. I really feel bad for Mean Gene...well not really, I mean they won the Superbowl last year!

- I played some profitable (albeit a small profit) session of on-line Omaha

- I relaxed and read...always a favorite thing to do

- I got a haircut...and man did I need one

- I didn't watch any political/war coverage so therefore had minimal rage as those subjects always light a match

I'm sure I did more, but mainly stuff too mundane to if what I did list isn't mundane. I digress. Hope everyone has a wonderful day even though Monday's SUCK!!!


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