In the spirit of the coming holiday it is a great feeling, and perhaps the best of feelings just to have so much to be thankful for. Even though it is a tired, over used, and regurgitated sentiment, it is also very true...many others in both our own country and in different parts of the world sadly have so little, but quite amazingly they endure and carry on, seemingly thankful for the meagerness life has given them. So I am very thankful for...
...having two beautiful, healthy, smart, and loving daughters.
...having a good job that I like; it sucks having to go to work someplace that you hate, and I have had those jobs before. Life is much better when you enjoy your work, and maybe more importantly the people you work with. Which I enjoy both.
...having a warm place to lay my head at night.
...not having to want for life's necessities. I mean we all want more, more, more, and money does bring the ability to improve the quality of life, but just having the basic needs plus enough extra to smile is fine with me. in the best country in the world; and while I may not always (or hardly ever) agree with our government or the policies they follow (or wars they decide to fight), at least I can participate in that process by voting, speaking out, protesting, and excercising my civic rights. Nuff said. friends and family.
There are undoubtedly many more people, places, and things I could add, and I am very thankful for all those as well. This does however, properly convey my feelings. May everyone have a gracious and wonderful Thanksgiving.
more later.
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