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Commentary on whatever I like, sometimes useful, sometimes not so...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

not much...

Not much to say today...kind of bummed that the brakes on my car went South, and I had to pony up for replacements. The mechanic said I should be good for long time as they used and I authorized the best brake pads known to man. Although, with any good fortune, that car will be a part of my history before the next brake job. I really did not need the added expense at this time of year, but I guess it's a Murphy's law thing. So fuck what I am pretty much saying...I mean it's nice to go places and get back and forth from work, but what a total drain on money they are. If I am not at the gas station filling up with completely over-priced petrol then I am waiting patiently for an oil change where the nice attendant informs me that I really could use a new air filter ($26), new windshield wipers ($17), and they are running a special on a coolant system flush ($99). Since I am too nice a guy to say "fuck off pal", I just politely decline. He obviously doesn't realize the kind of clothes that can buy for my #2 daughters' Bratz dolls...the twit.

Is it just me or does the Blogger spell check feature completely blow???

I think my UK Wildcats have a scrap tonight with some marginal foe so I can't wait to bolt from work and check that out. Go CATS!!!

My #1 daughter had to get 5 stiches yesterday as a little boy in her class cut her with...get this...a row of staples. I resisted the urge to pop a cap in his ass, and let him wallow in guilt and detention. In all seriousness I heard he felt so bad he broke down bawling and was somewhat inconsolable, so even though I DO NOT take lightly to harm done to my little angel, I do kinda feel for the little staple warrior. after my ex called and I spoke to daughter #1 I felt much better...apparently it is not going to effect her ability to play her X-BOX, so she isn't really fazed by it. Today happens to be her birthday and I hope it is filled with gifts, love, laughter, and happiness. She is 11 BTW. That is all for now, more later...


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